Country Bumpkin, Plain & Simple

By Sarahhhp @SarahhhP
Had such a lovely day today at the Cheshire Game & Country Fair. Caught up with old friends, bought  a plethora of unnecessary tack room additions and revelled in the delicious taste of mango flavoured frozen yoghurt. Ahhhhh bliss! :)

Sometimes I forget what a country girl I am at heart. There is no time I feel more at home than when stood in a muddy field, surrounded by fluffy creatures and stalls selling nothing but tweed and home-made ginger beer. Boring to some, but for me - the best way in the world to relax.
From the age of seven up until I was twenty, every August Bank Holiday Weekend our family would travel down to the Royal Showground in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire and spend all three days at the Town and Country Festival there. It was here that my Sister and I rode at the Mounted Games British Championships along with our team mates every year, and it was the annual highlight each time it came around, no matter what else was going on at the time.
After losing my Dad in 2008 and following my move away to uni the same year, things changed a lot. My Mum, Sister and I decided it best we took a break away from riding - something I now really regret. Days like today make me realize just how much I miss competing. It was such a huge part of our lives for so long and is something I have decided I am definitely going to return to as soon as time allows it.
This post seems to have turned into somewhat of a nostalgic ramble, so apologies for that! I just think it's nice to share a little more than just my love of shopping sometimes :)
Hope you are all having a fabulous Bank Holiday! I'm off now to join in with the three legged pub crawl in my local town that started at 12pm this afternoon - something tells me I might be a bit late to the game but hey ho!
Ooh, I'd also love to know whether there are any others out there who enjoy a good countryside dalliance like this?! Or am I just a ninety year old trapped inside the body of a twenty-something?TTFN!