{Count Your Blessings}

By Whimofthesouth

The more that continues to happen in my life, the more I have come to realize how thankful I need to be for what I have. Things have been changing rapidly and I'm not sure if they are good changes or God changes. By this I mean, I don't know if it's God putting things in my path for better things to happen or if it's for the best at all. But I have faith that they are through Him. 

Because tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment and talk about what I am thankful for, especially these past two years. We often forget to count our blessings instead of our struggles. 1. I am thankful for my parents. //My parents have supported me through everything that I've ever done, even if they didn't agree with it. They have constantly been my source of encouragement and inspiration. My sophomore year of high school my mother sat me down to tell me she was going to take the LSAT and depending on that score, go to law school. My mother has since graduated from Liberty's Law School and started her own solo practice. My dad on the other hand began doing triathlons and 5K's when mom went off to school. He fell in love with the "sport" of it and reached a major feat of completing the Iron Man world championship in 14 hours and 33 minutes in Kona, Hawaii this October. They constantly push themselves further and strive to show God in everything they do, setting the example for my little brother and myself. 2.  I am thankful for my friends. //Friends are not people that come easily. And true friends are the ones who you can count on to stay. I can honestly say that I am blessed by each and every one of my best friends. From the few in Richmond, to the ones who are in NC or soon will be for good, to the ones still in Virginia. Y'all have stuck by me no matter what we have gone through. We have had our share of fights, of adventure, of mishaps, and of fun. With it all we have grown and y'all have helped me to grow. Thank you for everything you have done for me and all of the support you have given me. 3. I am thankful for my boyfriend. //James has been a constant rock and support since the moment we met. He drove all the way to Lynchburg from Raleigh to meet me, a girl he didn't know (but had a mutual friend), and take me out to dinner back in April. He put faith into something that he had no idea if it would pan out or not. I could have been really weird for all he knew (he probably thinks I'm weird anyhow though.) Looking back on these past 7 months, we have grown immensely and I can only imagine how each of us will continually grown both individually and together. I am probably the most hard to deal with person he's ever met, but the man still looks at my like I've never been looked at in my life. I am so lucky to have met the love of my life at 20 years old and so thankful that he is not only my boyfriend but (cliche I know) my best friend too. 4. I am thankful for my followers & readers. //I first started Whim of the South in December but barely posted, I had about 15 page views, and absolutely no followers. It wasn't until June that I really started blogging avidly and developing a passion for all aspects of my site and the community that blogging creates. From the time I got to my first 1,000 views to now ( about 23,000 views) I have been supported by you, the readers and followers. Without you, I would not have grown. Y'all have created a support system and with your feedback, guidance, and encouragement; it makes it even more worth it. Keep loving and following WOTS and I'll keep loving y'all and blogging!5. I am thankful for opportunity. //When I was younger, my parents were my sole source of references for jobs because of their positions in the community and friendships. Now that I am older, I am proud to say that the opportunities that I have now and have had recently have been through connections I've made or sought out. Growing up is a funny things and by harnessing the opportunities in front of me, I helped to create, I am developing confidence that I am ready for the real working world next fall. Opportunities such as internships or school don't just happen. They are things that you have to work towards. Being able to attend college and get an education are things to be immensely grateful for because it is an opportunity that is not provided to everyone. It requires hard work and dedication, but it is a blessing none the less.6. My extended family & brothers. // 7. The skills that I have. // 8. A roof over my head. // 9. My faith. // 10. My job. //What are you Thankful for this Thanksgiving Eve? xoBCC