Council Disappointed at Poor Food Hygiene Standards in 3 of Its Premises

Posted on the 24 June 2013 by Gareth Jones @tutorcare

A cabinet member at Swansea Council has admitted being very disappointed that three premises run by the authority have received a food hygiene rating of just one out of five, the second lowest score it is possible to get.

June Burtonshaw spoke at a recent council meeting about the failures of the Fforestfach Adult Training Centre, the Dylan Thomas Centre and the Guildhall Kiosk to achieve an acceptable rating for food hygiene. She said:

“It was very disappointing to read about these three. They were under construction and having refurbishment, which caused some problems.

“We would like to see every council establishment having a minimum (rating) of three.”

The one out of five rating means that major improvements are necessary on an urgent basis in each of the premises. Swansea Council, which runs more than 150 schools and venues where food is prepared, cooked or served, will now need to take steps to bring standards up to an acceptable level. Staff will need improved food hygiene training, equipment and premises may need upgrading and a rigorous new food safety management system will need to be put in place.