Could Queen Sophie-Anne Return to True Blood?

Posted on the 18 August 2011 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

It seemed to those of us who have tuned in to Season 4 of HBO‘s True Blood that Queen Sophie-Anne (Evan Rachel Wood) was quite dead after she splattered all over Bill when she was shot with wooden bullets.  However, according to Wood, we shouldn’t completely eliminate the possibility of seeing the Queen again.  MTV News caught up with her recently and asked her if we had really seen the last of the Queen and Wood replied:

“There’s always a chance on that show.  [The showrunners] have not given me the final, like, ‘You’re gone,’ so I don’t know. I don’t know.  I had so much fun on that show.  [Sophie-Anne] was hilarious to play. It’s super-fun.”

Hmm our guess would be that we would only be able to see her in flashbacks.  Alan Ball is good but unless he pulls a ‘Dallas’ type move and has the entire season be a dream, I’m not really sure how Sophie-Anne could be pieced back together again. 

Wood says that she is still a huge fan of True Blood but she has been so busy she has not had a chance to catch up.  It’s dangerous to get behind on this show because everyone spills the beans about what has happened and it looks like even she gets caught with spoilers:

“I haven’t turned on my TV in a really long time.  I’ve been working, so I’m not caught up on the show and people keep giving stuff away, and I keep getting upset.”

So what do you think Truebies – would you like to see the return of Queen Sophie-Anne even if it is just during flashbacks?  Let us know in the comment section!

Source: – ‘True Blood’ Return for Sophie-Anne Possible, Says Evan Rachel Wood

Photo Credit:  HBO, Inc.

Featured Image Credit: Reuters