Could People Who Have Intrusive Thoughts Also Have Sociopathic, Etc. Tendencies?

Posted on the 27 August 2017 by Calvinthedog

Answered on Quora.

Psychopaths don’t have intrusive thoughts about violence or much of anything else for that matter. Intrusive thoughts about committing acts of violence tends to rule out sociopathy right there because sociopaths don’t experience these thoughts as intrusive. Rather they just like them. If they want to think them, they think them. If they don’t want to think them, they don’t think them. But they are not going to experience intrusive violent thoughts in my opinion.
OCD and sociopathy pretty much rule each other out. You have one or the other and it would be very hard to have both. These disorders are the opposite of each other. OCD’ers experience tremendous guilt and never commit any irrational acts of violence and sociopaths experience no guilt and commit an incredible amount of violence. So you see we are dealing with two things that are the polar opposite of each other.
PS if you were a sociopath, you would not be fussing and worrying about thoughts like this, much less going on line to try to fix them. Sociopaths don’t think there is anything wrong with thoughts of hurting and killing others. They like to think about these things.