Scientists develop highly effective nanobiocomposite electronic devices by utilizing the natural chemical processes on Morpho butterfly wings--the same technology may be used to improve photovoltaic cell properties.
This nanobiocomposite material technology will be beneficial for highly sensitive light sensors and sustainable batteries. An article in the journal ACS Nano explain that Morpho butterfly wings have natural properties that make them lightweight, thin and flexible. They naturally absorb solar energy, shed water quickly and are self-cleaning--properties that are difficult to reproduce artificially. "Our present study highlights the important progress that has been made toward the development of smart nanobiomaterials for various applications such as digital diagnosis, soft wearable electronic devices, photosensors, and photovoltaic cells," Eijiro Miyako and colleagues explain (reference).
Research Abstract Reads:
Study Title: Self-Assembled Carbon Nanotube Honeycomb Networks Using a Butterfly Wing Template as a Multifunctional Nanobiohybrid--
Insect wings have many unique and complex nano/microstructures that are presently beyond the capabilities of any current technology to reproduce them artificially. In particular, Morpho butterflies are an attractive type of insect because their multifunctional wings are composed of nano/microstructures. In this paper, the researchers show that carbon nanotube-containing composite adopts honeycomb-shaped networks when simply self-assembled on Morpho butterfly wings used as a template. The unique nano/microstructure of the composites exhibits multifunctionalities such as laser-triggered remote-heating, high electrical conductivity, and repetitive DNA amplification. The present study highlights the important progress that has been made toward the development of smart nanobiomaterials for various applications such as digital diagnosis, soft wearable electronic devices, photosensors, and photovoltaic cells.
Full Article HERE -- Image source
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