Could My Day Get Any God Damn Worse?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Could my day get any god damn worse? I suppose it could so I may have to be careful how much I moan as they say it comes in threes.

My darling angelic teen daughter decided to tell me that she smokes, fantastic.

While I took the rather laid back that’s fine do what you want attitude while trying to contain the smoke steaming from my ears, the husband, her step dad took a more “what the hell” approach.

I now have a teen and a husband not speaking.

“It’s my choice and my health” she declared

“That’s right” I told her “It is”.

Which is correct BUT

Her pocket money now will stop, there is no way I am funding her nicotine addiction.

If she is old enough to smoke, she is old enough to get a weekend job to fund her habit.

I am happy to pay for her clothes and her odd treats but cigarettes, no way.

She does not like my approach any more than her step dads.

She came out as gay last year, I was so proud of her. She talented and bright and has an amazing chance at success in her future, yes I do feel disappointed and right or wrong I have told her that I am.

While she stormed off and slammed her bedroom door I went to check on the younger children, who I had sent upstairs to play so we could talk in private and of course, what a mistake that was.

What else would a 3 and 4 year old get too?

Yes they opened Casey’s full tub of hammer beads and decorated the bedroom carpet after trashing the room that is.

Could my day get any god damn worse? Yes it could, I have a few hours before bedtime just yet.

Breathe and smile Emma.

How would you handle a teen smoking, have I handled it right or wrong?