Cosy Sunday.

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_

I'm roughly a week back into blogging and in truth, it feels so good to be back. I didn't know how much I'd actually missed it until I returned. If only I wasn't such a procrastinator. I was umming and ahing over what type of post to do today and to be honest, I didn't come to much of a decision. The weathers too cloudy and dismal to attempt blog photos and I'm far too cosy to venture outside, so that ruled out a cute outfit of the day or a good old flat lay.
This week hasn't been too eventful. Mostly I've been pottering around at home planning future blog posts and doing some research into finding a good and afford soft box light. I've realised (better late than never) that I really need to step up my photo game if I really want to keep myself motivated at this blogging lark. So far, I've found a few good options, now I just need to actually decide on one. What would you guys recommend? Let me know in the comments below.
Friday 13th saw something drop on Netflix that I've been super excited for since it was announced ages and ages ago. That being the new Unfortunate Events series. I devoured those books when I was growing up and still haven't quite gotten over that Nickelodeon film back in '04 (sorry to anyone who liked it!) I binged the series in under a day and even though I know what's coming (although I'm going to go back and read books 5-13 to refresh my brain) I can't wait for season two. Like I need it now. Right now, please Netflix?   The final thing that's been taking over my week is face masks. Since my lovely stint at Lush I've become a complete face mask junkie. I've got three on the go so far and I'm finding them fantastic for drawing out all the dirt and grime that loves to hide away in my pores. Expect a post on these soon. For the rest of the day I'm probably going to kick back with a good cuppa of tea and continue my marathon catch up on The Walking Dead. Currently halfway through season 3, completely hooked and now mentally preparing myself for the zombie apocalypse. 
Hope you're all having a good Sunday. Let me know if you've done anything nice in the comments below.
Thanks for reading, love Jade x