Cost Effective Ways To Keep Your House Warm

Posted on the 23 September 2021 by Sim @simslifeblog

Are you in constant fear of the mailman and those pesky utility bills? Do you find yourself wearing extra layers of clothes rather than turning on the heating? Are you looking to find ways to cut down your household bills? We sympathise! Thankfully, we are here to help. In this article, we will look at cost effective ways to keep your house warm. Allowing you to save money on household bills, while protecting you from the nasty nip of the cold.

How Can You Keep Your Home Warm On A Budget

Replace your curtains

We lose a lot of heat through the windows, so it may be time to upgrade your curtains. Look for something with a thermal lining, and remember, when it comes to preserving heat, thick curtains retain heat. Keep them wide open on a summer's day, allowing as much natural heat in as possible. Close them when the sun goes down to maximise the heat inside your home.

Dig out your tin foil

Many of us use central heating, but we don't always get the full benefit of the heat from our radiators. When attached to an external wall, a lot of heat will be lost through the wall, but this is where tin foil comes in. You can insulate your home with reflective aluminium foil.Although if you have tin foil in your cupboard, you can place that behind your radiators to reflect the heat back into the room.

Consider alternative heating sources

Some sources of heating are expensive, especially electric and central heating. However, there are alternative sources of heat that can be applied to your home.Costing you a little bit of money at the outset but reducing your bills considerably in the months and years to come. This includes the installation of solar panels, which are becoming increasingly popular. Alongside infrared heating, which can be installed as panels or as underfloor heating.

Seal your windows

You may have replaced the curtains, but heat can still be lost, especially if there are gaps around your window. To avoid those pesky drafts, use weatherstripping around the edges to keep the cold out and your heat in. Of course, double glazing is also a good idea. Despite the initial expense, you will feel the benefits, with a warmer both cheap and easy to place over your windows. While not as effective, it's still a viable home and a reduced energy bill. Alternatively, you could buy special film which replicates the effect of double-glazing. Making it option for those on a budget.

Insulate your loft

As well as escaping through the windows, you should remember that heat also rises, escaping through your roof. While you may not want to pay for a loft insulation, you can do it yourself fairly simply with some cheap foam or mineral wool. Check with your energy company or local government, too. You may be eligible for a grant to get the loft insulation done professionally. So if your DIY skills aren't up to scratch, give them a call beforehand.

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