Cosmo Blog Awards

By Brokebutbeautiful @never2broke4bea

When I first started my blog I didn't know anything about beauty blogs, blogging communities or the Cosmo  Blog Awards. Last year when the last Cosmo Blog Awards were taking place I followed them with awe, I couldn't believe that a magazine like Cosmopolitan would invest their time and energy in celebrating bloggers in this way.
A year later and my little blog is still my favorite hobby, after lots of work and many changes it has become something that I love working on and am proud of. I would love my blog to be more than a hobby that I dedicate more time to but at the moment I can only really work on my blog at the weekend. I currently have three jobs and most days during the week I leave the house at 9am and get back in some where between 10pm and 11pm so I don't have much time to dedicate to my blog, other than to tweet a few links and tweet about how tired I am! I know there are lots of bloggers who post a lot more than I do, however I do dedicate all the time I am able to my little blog.
There are so many great blogs out there, I follow lots of them, and some really are amazing. I'll be voting for a blog in each beauty category. However, if you do read and enjoy my blog I fit into the New Beauty Blog category. I'm not going to use my vote to nominate myself but if you would like to nominate me I really won't mind! I very much doubt I'll get many nominations but like I say I do love my blog and put a lot of time and effort into it. So, if you would like to nominate me you can follow the link below.
Cosmo Blog Awards nomination form 
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