Cosatto Supa Stroller Pushchair - C-Rex

By Catty212
In recent weeks I decided I find our travel system a nuisance. It's hard work manoeuvring it when you're alone and although it fits comfortably in the back of our car it takes up the entire boot so you can't stash anything else in there.

After shopping round and doing numerous comparisons online I decided to buy the Cosatto Supa Stroller C Rex which is an utterly fabulous dinosaur print (you see my hubby is a massive dinosaur fan so I knew I wouldn't get wrong for buying it if he liked it too). 
The stroller weighs a very light 8 kg with a lightweight aluminum chassis which folds up easily and is easy to get in and out of your car.

Despite the fact it isn't parent facing, it's suitable to be used from birth up until 15kg or 3 years. As you baby isn't facing you, Cosatto have created a plastic viewing window so you can sneakily watch your little person to check everything is ok. I think the window is a clever and reassuring idea, but I wish the flat that covers it could be held up with magnets or velcro as it drives me made flopping down all the time.

The handle heights are adjustable meaning it's suitable for even us short folk. 

One of the smaller additions but an extremely helpful one is the removeable cup holder. It's such a good idea. I often get a coffee from Starbucks when me and The Little Man are out on our travels and trying to steer a baby laden pram with one hand whilst necking your coffee while it's still warm (Starbucks coffees are never hot are they? Always just warm) is hard work, so for us the cup holder is a simple yet extremely helpful invention.

The seat can be adjusted to four different reclining positions, including an almost completely flat option which is pefect for younger child or when it's nap time.The recline mechanism can be used with one hand and is super easy to do, whether you're loaded with shopping or carrying a 16lb baby.
One of my favorite features of the stroller is the integral hood with extendable sunshade. It's an excellent idea. I'd recently bought a Snoozeshade to use with the Little Mans other mode of transport but it's not necessary with the stroller as the hood comes down so far. It stops the suns harmful rays but is also a life saver when it rains and you've forgotten the rain cover, it completely covers the seat area, coming down and also covering well over half of the cosy toes.The stroller has a fully removable seat unit which can aid with cleaning or storage. 

One of the more fancy features of the stroller is the addition of a multimedia gadget pocket with speaker. You can put your ipad into the transparent pocket to keep your little one entertained. We haven't used this feature yet and I'm not sure whether I really like it. I'd much rather the Little Man looked out of his pushchair are what is going on in the real world than watch cartoons on an ipad. Maybe I'll feel different when he's older and decides to scream all the way round the shops. The storage basket under the stroller is a reasonable size and easy to access unless the stroller is reclined into the lying down position. The cosy toes is reversible and is a zip of design. It's nice and easy to get your little person into and out of. I also really like the fact it has a little pouch for chilly little hands. 

It comes with a raincover, head hugger and reversible cosytoes, you don't need to buy anything extra.

The stroller is exclusive to Very and Littlewoods. I picked ours up from Very for £189.  Pro's
  • Very lightweight
  • Folds up neatly and goes into the boot easily
  • I love the stand facility so you don't need to dirty your walls standing it against them
  • Easy to put up and collapse, even with a wriggling baby in your arms
  • The design is fab and so eye catching. I'm forever being told how great it is. 
  • The inside is cozy and fleecy
  • The pocket at the back of the stroller is a good size and perfect for your mobile phone and purse. 
  • All Cosatto products come with a fantastic 4 year guarantee which I think is amazing. Their claims procedure is really easy to complete too, with a quick online form. 

  • The hood feels a little flimsy when you pull it down
  • The plastic wheels make the stroller look a little cheap