Cory Bernardi Spouts the Climate Denialism of American Right-wing “think Tanks”

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

It spreads.


Australia’s richest woman, the mining magnate Gina Rinehart, is also reportedly backing Bernardi and joined him in meetings in New York in late 2016 with key figures from the Donald Trump camp.

Rinehart has previously supported speaking tours by Lord Christopher Monckton, the British climate science denier once described as a “vaudeville artist” by a former version of Malcolm Turnbull (the one that claimed to care deeply about climate change).

How Cory Bernardi was inspired to push climate denial from US conservative groups, Guardian,  Graham Readfearn, 7 Feb 17  Climate science denial group the Heartland Institute helped inspire Cory Bernardi and Malcolm Roberts to push back against policies to cut emissions   I

If the dissident conservative senator Cory Bernardi’s new political party shares the views of its founder, then we can chalk up it up as another fringe party firmly in the climate science…

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