Corsair Oatrage Review

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Corsair Oatrage joins the Corsair Quinoa and Corsair Triple Smoke in my trinity of favorite, not-too-difficult-to-find (at least in LA), Corsair whiskeys. Made from a combination of oats, 6 row malt & coffee malt this unique little whiskey stands head and shoulders above its closest competitor the High West Valley Tan which is is a bit weak in comparison to the big flavors found in this bottle.

Like the rest of their alt grain whiskeys the Corsair Oatrage brings something new to the table, something that I can’t find anywhere else, which is exactly why I’m such a big fan of Corsair: they deliver a different whiskey experience. The big 7 make stellar bourbon and it’s hard for a craft whiskey company to compete against the big guys, but by sailing into new waters Corsair has set itself apart with unique aromas, flavors and whiskey sipping experiences.

Corsair Oatrage Info

Region: Tennessee, USA

Distiller: Corsair
Mashbill: 51% Oat, 27% 6 Row Malt & 22% Coffee Malt
Cask: New charred oak (15 gallon barrels)
Age: NAS (typically age for 5-10 months)
ABV: 46%

Price: $50

Corsair Oatrage Review


Nuts, french vanilla bean, maple, cinnamon, brown sugar, spice, banana and a light citrus with a mild bit of grain. The word yummy comes to mind.

Maple, cinnamon, nuts, vanilla, brown sugar, malt syrup and light notes of coffee, chocolate and young wood. It might just be a mental association I’m making with the overall french toast quality but I’m picking up a slight tart berry note towards the end as well.

Long and layered with notes of oatmeal, chocolate, brown sugar and coffee. In a way it reminds me of a sweet stout beer.

Great balance, rich round body and a creamy heavy feel.

Corsair Oatrage is a tasty whiskey that took me by surprise. Not because of how much I liked it, but because I agreed with the notes on the back of the bottle. It’s incredibly rare for me to agree with tasting notes printed on the bottle, and I NEVER read them before tasting something, but this one is pretty much as advertised – breakfast in a glass with a creamy mouthfeel.

There are a lot of sweet notes gliding through this whiskey, but luckily there’s enough rustic and savory notes intertwined to keep the whiskey balanced. That diversity of sweet, savory and rustic notes keeps my senses entertained and a smile on my face. This is some darn good whiskey and if you’re looking for something interesting an different to mix up your usual routine I’d nominate the Corsair Oatrage for consideration.

SCORE: 87/100