Corsair Buckyeah Review

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Corsair Buckyeah is one of Corsair’s whiskeys that’s rooted in non-traditional grains. Comprised of 51% buckwheat and 49% malted barley, this buckwheat whiskey stems from one of their many experiments which have included uncommon grains like quinoa, spelt, triticale, blue corn, sorghum, oats, millet and 6-row brewer’s malt to name a few that I saw when visiting the Corsair Distillery last year

While I may not be a huge fan of Corsair’s hopped whiskeys I am definitely a fan of their alternative grain whiskeys like Buckyeah. They bring a new perspective, aromas and flavors to the rapidly expanding American Whiskey world. In my humble opinion Distilleries like Corsair are the future of American craft distilling – making bold, new and interesting offerings that stand apart from the traditional bourbons and ryes.

Corsair Buckyeah Info

Region: Tennessee, USA

Distiller: Corsair
Mashbill: 51% Buckwheat, 49% Malted Barley
Cask: New charred oak (15 gallon barrels)
Age: NAS (typically age for 5-10 months)
ABV: 46%

Price: $50

Corsair Buckyeah Review

Orangish caramel

Oily aroma of butterscotch chips, pralines, caramel, vanilla and a light bit of toffee. It’s a sweet aroma, but not cloyingly so.

Butterscotch chips, banana taffy, a nutty character paired with some orange peel and a light spice. The palate isn’t as sweet as the nose and ends up coming across more rustic than anything.

Medium fade of toffee and almond roca.

Good balance throughout, round medium body and a soft easy feel.

Corsair Buckyeah is a decent whiskey. I enjoy the way the sweet aroma dovetails into the rustic palate which fades out sweetly – there’s a nice rhythm to this whiskey. It’s sippable and mellow so while it might not light a fine under you it’s a great lazy day whiskey. I’d be more than happy to sit on my porch on a summer and sip on this while relaxing from the day. It’s that kind of whiskey.

SCORE: 83-86/100 (B, not consumed at home)