Coronation Street Ritual

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush

On Tuesday I was perusing around Eldon Square and thought I'd pop into lush for another pot of Lip Scrub and because I am in desperate need of a moisturiser (currently using the last of my Clinique free samples) thought I might try something new.After discussing the latest episode of Big Brother the very helpful (and talkative) sales assistant gave me a free sample of Vanishing Cream to try out. 
The cream goes very far on your skin so only a tiny amount is needed, which is great money-wise, however, my skin did not take the moisturiser very well and currently it's feeling a bit strange. I can't put my finger on it but when I've looked into the cream a bit more online I've read that it is meant for oily skin, and with my skin being extremely dry then I'm thinking that is maybe why it doesn't feel so great.
It does have a lovely liquorice kind of smell mind which I like, although some may find it a tiny bit over-powering.
Any ideas on the perfect moisturiser for dry skin???