Not going to be underutilized in my garden; I have its site picked out, if it ever stops sleeting.
© Scott Arboretum
As we become more aware that our gardens can be multi-taskers – they can be beautiful, colorful, add value to our homes and also feed the local wildlife as part of the larger ecosystem – we’re beginning to appreciate many wildlife-friendly shrubs that in the past were dismissed as not being ‘garden worthy’. Deemed too messy, too wild or even too boring when compared to its more showy cousins for inclusion in a designed garden, cornelian cherry deserves a closer look.
The Basics
Botanical Name: Cornus mas
Common Name: Cornelian cherry
Mature Size: 20′ tall x 15′ wide
Site Specifics: Very adaptable, tolerating a wide range of soil pH as well as clay soil. Preferring full sun to part shade,
Wildlife Value: As one of the first flowers of spring, it’s pale yellow flowers are devoured by pollinators. Deep red fruits ripen…
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