Cordyline Australis

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

 A staple "exotic" plant, and one that we use fairly sparingly in the garden. With a selection of common names such as Cabbage palm or Torbay palm making reference to the word palm, it is often confused as such. 

Hailing from New Zealand, and pretty hardy in most of the UK, in all but the harshest of winters they are a fairly common sight.

One of ours is in flower at the moment and the sweet heady scent fills the air by the koi pond. People often say they smell like cat pee, so I'm rather pleased we don't seem to get that scent. Regardless of how they smell, the bees appear to love it at the moment.

Cordyline australis in bloom

Cordyline australis in bloom
Cordyline australis in bloom
Cordyline australis in bloom
How do you find the scent, heavenly or cat pee?