Cops Beat Female Shoplifter - Caught On Camera (Video)

Posted on the 07 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Despite all the honest, good cops out there, recently there has been a slew of police brutality instances caught on camera, as is the example shown in the video below.
Brandie Redell, 34, was admittedly shoplifting, was caught and brought to the security offer where two Quad Cities police officers were present. Rendell was on the phone and the cop rushes over to her, pushes her down and proceeds to start beating her.
Rendell's infant daughter was in the room at the time.
The brutal beating was so bad the woman was left with an eye injury that has permanently left her vision impaired.
Via the video details: reports that Redell called her boyfriend asking him to pick up their daughter, when the officer heard Redell's boyfriends' name, he told Redell, "This is going to get ugly quick."

Redell's boyfriend, James Gibson, is a "community activist who had some some sensitivity training with the department when it comes to race and officers dealing with the public," according to Reason.

It is very clear from the video below that the woman was sitting on the other side of the room and it was the police that approached her, knocked her to floor then the cops can be seen punching her over and over.
Davenport police chief, Frank Donchez claims that after an investigation into the incident, "discipline was handed out," and the two officers are now back on the job.
No details on what that discipline involved.