Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Coppercraft is a young craft distiller that, like many before them, have offerings of sourced whiskey while their own stock ages. Such is the case here with the Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey, which is a sourced bourbon aged for 10+ years. Primary candidate, as usual, is MGP.

I have no problem with distilleries bottling other people’s whiskey to keep money flowing while their own stuff ages. It’s all a business and money needs to happen. The thing that pisses me off is when they claim to have made it themselves which, thankfully Coppercraft has not done. Good on them.

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review: Details and Tasting Notes

In Coppercraft’s Words: Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Barrels of 10+ year old whiskey are masterfully blended to create a rich taste. Flavors of sweet caramel and vanilla really stand out with each sip.

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey price, ABV, age and other details

Region: Michigan, USA

Distiller: Coppercraft
Mash Bill: Undisclosed, but likely an MGP recipe
Cask: New Charred Oak
Age: 10 Years
ABV: 48.5%

Price: $50*

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Tasting Notes


Cocoa, corn, spice, roasted apples, oak, grain, vanilla, touch menthol and dark sweets.

Oak, roasted grain, spice, roasted fruit, vanilla, cocoa, toffee, menthol and leather.

Med -> Oak, toffee, spice, nuts and menthol.

Well balanced, medium-full body and a warm oily feeling.

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review: OVERALL

This is some darn good bourbon, it reminds me of the Redemption High Rye Bourbon, which makes sense since the Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a sourced bourbon and the most likely provider is almost always MGP. The aroma is sweet driven with the more rustic savory notes coming in behind it. The palate is the opposite with the oak and spice upfront.

Being a sourced bourbon, I can’t truly compliment them on their distilling and barrel management. But I can compliment them on picking some good barrels and for delivering a solid 10-year-old bourbon at a decent price. Well done Coppercraft.

SCORE: 88/100 (B+)

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review
  • Nose - 88
  • Palate - 88
  • Finish - 88
  • Balance, Body & Feel - 88

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey Review Summary

Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a great, sourced, 10+ year old bourbon whiskey.

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*Disclosure: This Coppercraft Straight Bourbon Whiskey sample was graciously sent to me by the company for the purposes of this review. The views, opinions, and tasting notes are 100% my own.