Coordination is Key When Batting with a Cucumber

By Glenn Waterman

Coordination is key when batting with a cucumbergswaterman:

I’m re-blogging one of Ned’s pieces because he’s funnier than me. Ergo, please read this, laugh, then follow his blog, buy his book and together – we can make him a very rich man. He’ll then buy the island next to Johnny Depp’s and only discover upon washing up on its shores that, because it’s only three inches above sea-level, it’s not possible to have Internet service. Then I shall have the last laugh. Bwahaha.

Coordination is key when batting with a cucumberOriginally posted on Ned's Blog:

( Sooner or later we all start having flashbacks. Mine just so happen to occur Sunday mornings. That’s because Flashback Sundays is when I reach back — way, way, waaayyy back — and pull something from the distant past which, hopefully, isn’t a muscle…

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