Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur Review

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

We capped off our massive eight beverage St. Paddy's Day 2021 research session with a taste of a new-to-us Irish Cream Liqueur called Coole Swan. Their tagline is, "The perfect blend of whiskey, chocolate, and cream". They had us at whiskey, chocolate, and cream! See? We're easy!

Here are some fun facts about this product taken from their website:

The Name: Inspired by The Wild Swans at Coole by W.B. Yeats.
Where It's Made: Based on the Brady family farm in the Boyne Valley, County Meath
If At First You Don't Succeed: It took 230 attempts to design their unique taste.

And here's a bit more info about Coole Swan:

Coole Swan is a unique blend of single malt Irish whiskey, Belgian white chocolate and fresh dairy cream. A taste experience that lingers for you to savour and enjoy. Made in Ireland, and only in Ireland, Coole Swan is a meticulously crafted liqueur made with heart.

Truth be told, while we've enjoyed an Irish Cream Liqueur or two over the years, it's never our first choice when we're looking to cap off our evening with something Irish. Then again, with a drinking glass and packaging this pretty, how can we possibly say no to a taste of this delicious-sounding elixir? To find out if Coole Swan tastes as good as its packaging looks, click the play button on the following video:

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Many thanks to Coole Swan for sending us these very generous samples!

Categories: Booze Dancing TV, Booze Review, Coole Swan

Tagged as: A Tasting at the Murder Table, booze, Booze Dancing TV, Coole Swan, Irish Cream, Liqueur, Liquor, Review, Reviews