Cool Week

By Stephanie

When you look at the bloom below, what comes to mind? A torch? A flaming torch to be exact! This bromeliad aptly named is slow to flower and when it flowers, the bloom ages fast.

The cooling weather due to overcast sky and non-stop rainfalls did not really slow down the ageing process of the bloom a lot.

This little rose sent out small little roses and I am amazed by the number - so many roses on one branch. How sweet, look at picture below. Earlier, I have propagated another pot. Settled it the opposite side of my garden. It is now flowering as well.

Oh, I can't stop admiring my Busy Lizzy. Both the flowers and leaves grew more and more by the day. I really like how the deep pink flowers look so extra-ordinary against the medium green leaves.

Took in the Parlour Palm inside to convert stale air to good. Suits my decor well, yes

Have a great day!

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