Cool Ways Tech Has Transformed Sports

Posted on the 04 June 2016 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

You probably don't think about technology as being a major part of sports. But, you'd be surprised. In fact, technology has weaved its way into sports as it has in every other aspect of our lives . These days, when you're playing a competitive sport, you might take out a piece of tech to choose what shot to take. Or, you might wear tech on your sports uniform. Yes, as we're about to discover new tech might have changed the sporting game forever.

Team Sports

In team sports, the most noticeable piece of tech being used is part of the kit. If you're watching soccer in the , you'll notice there are stats on all the players throughout the game. That's thanks to the little trackers in the shoes and shirts of the boys on the field. With this tech, commentators can track every detail and piece of information about the players. They can find out how fast they are running, and their stamina. They can even on occasion tell people playing the home game why the player might have missed the shot. But when it comes to tech in sport, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Individual Sports

If you've ever played golf, you'll know that one of the biggest issues is working out the distance you are away from where you want the ball to end up. Essentially, you need to figure out how hard to hit the ball and what club to use to get it to the green. In the past, you needed to rely on your senses to do this. Now, you can use a range finder. Choosing a Nikon Coolshot Rangefinder , you'll be able to know exactly how far you are from the green in seconds. That way, you can choose which club to use. If you think this tech is complex and difficult to lug around, think again. It's a tiny handheld device that you can take out your pocket and use immediately.


Are coaches using tech to decide who to put on and who to take off the pitch? You bet they are. Why trust your instinct when you know if a player isn't running at full capacity. Coaches can see who is performing at their best and who isn't, live on a laptop screen . If they think one player isn't performing as well as they should, they can replace them with another. Unfortunately, players know this, and it encourages them to push harder than before. It's even been linked with an increase in injuries for professional sporting events.


The sporting game has changed for fans too. Now you can watch matches anywhere and everywhere. You can download apps to keep track of your favorite players. Soon, VR tech will make professional sporting events available to people sitting in their living room like never before. It's clear that we're only at the start of what this new tech could mean for the sports industry. One thing is for sure, the future of sports is going to be interesting to see, combined with technology.