“Cool Shades” Art Journal Page

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro
 I like to give students photos of items to use as a kind of drawing prompt. In this case I was looking for images of sunglasses, and came across these heart shades, just in time for Valentine’s Day.1. I found a variety of images by just Googling “photos of sunglasses”. These heart glasses are particularly great as they are already on a white background. I printed out an assortment from my search on my color printer. The glasses were cut out and glued onto Strathmore Art Journal Kit pages with a glue stick. Heads were drawn around the faces, followed by features and any other details.2. All lines were traced with a black Sharpie marker.3. The drawing was colored in with crayon. Stickers are optional, but always welcome.Thanks to Lia, a kinder, for letting me share her beautiful drawing.