Cool Peep of the Week: Organic Beauty Pioneer Gabriel De Santino

By Christina Carathanassis @cbellescloset

Cool Peep of the Week: Organic Beauty Pioneer Gabriel De Santino

Who is this "Cool Peep"?

Self motivated entrepreneur who decided to make a change in women's cosmetics and beauty rituals by replacing harsh chemicals with healthy beneficial ingredients. A true lifestyle changing experience! Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. started with a vision of natural beauty and has evolved with the philosophy of sustainable individual natural beauty while continuing to advocate healthy living. This philosophy is translated through skincare, two vegan and gluten-free cosmetics, both collections created to bring out a woman's natural existing beauty and EWG certified Clean Kids Naturally.

Whats your sign?


Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

Ventura, CA | Bellevue, WA

What are a few of your favorite things?

Traveling, working out, spending time with family & friends, music.

When you are alone and you think no one is watching you. What quirky things are you doing?

Doing R&D on various topics from the latest skincare ingredients to cosmetic trends.

What is your favorite haunt?

My closet!

What is one thing that no one would ever guess about you? (at least by looking at you)

My age.

What music is playing right now?

Café del Mar

What APP would you DIE without?

Stock APPS

Someone offered you wise words once...what Yoda moment is stuck to your soul? What was said that you never forgot and who said it?

"Always stay true to your vision". My grandmother.

Where can we find (aka politely stalk)you?

Our products can be found on our website as well as over 1k retailers across the country. Mainly natural products stores.

You can follow (don't be creepy!)
Natural Makeup Pioneer Gabriel De Santino
on social media below:

ChristabellesCloset.comchristina carathanassisclean kids naturallycool peep of the weekGabriel Cosmetics Inc.Gabriel De SantinogabrieleNatural Makeup PioneerOrganic Beauty Productszuzu luxe

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