Cool Peep of the Week: Neal Kumar Ohri AKA Jay Diamondz

By Christina Carathanassis @cbellescloset

Cool Peep of the Week: Musician Neal Kumar Ohri AKA Jay Diamondz

Who is this "Cool Peep"?

Hailing from Washington D.C., Neal Kumar Ohri was never a typical person. He was always, and always will be, the life of a party. As one of the top party promoters in the D.C. area, he helped create some of the best celebrations the scene had ever seen. He, himself, began to gain a reputation for his wild fashion sense and performer persona. Through true grit, a classic street sense of hustle, and a natural knack for music, Neal Ohri started performing pop songs under the name Jay Diamondz

Whats your sign?


Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

Ashton Maryland | Los Angeles, CA

What are a few of your favorite things?

Pizza! I love pizza. Hiking. Rolling a fat joint and kicking it with some friends watch the sun come up after a long night of shenanigans.

When you are alone and you think no one is watching you. What quirky things are you doing?

I sing! I'm always singing. Especially when I'm alone. But when I'm alone, I feel free and liberated to be giddy as possible while singing. Have some fun with it...

What is your favorite haunt?

I like things that are haunted.

Empty your pockets RIGHT NOW - what did you find?

Matches from the whiskey a gogo. A sticky note with someone's number on it and 3 pennies heads up.

What is one thing that no one would ever guess about you? (at least by looking at you)

I'm pretty shy and to myself offstage.

What music is playing right now?

One Night by Jay Diamondz

What APP would you DIE without?


Someone offered you wise words once...what Yoda moment is stuck to your soul? What was said that you never forgot and who said it?

"Dreams really do come true, was the phrase that was drilled in my head by this customer that came to my day job (ice cream scooper) and sat there, ate her ice cream, and said "Dreams really do come true" every time before she left. And one day I decided to take a leap of faith and leave the little city I was in just to find out that Dreams.. really DO come true."

Where can we find (aka politely stalk)you?

You can find me popping up at your local venue very soon but for right now to keep up with me, follow my socials. I can be found anywhere and everywhere at @itsjaydiamondz

You can follow (don't be creepy!)
Jay Diamondz
on social media below:

ChristabellesCloset.comchristina carathanassiscool peep of the weekJay Diamondz

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