Cool New Specs from

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Wearing my new Marc Jacobs specs from

Australia, as many of you would be aware, has a lot of sunshine and sunglasses are an essential item to have. In fact I keep two pairs of sunglasses in my car (one for the emergency when I’ve accidentally taken out my regular driving sunglasses), plus I have a pair in my handbag and a pair next to my front door to grab and put on when I’m taking the dog for a walk. Suffice to say, with our strong sunlight I need them to be able to go outside without my eyes starting to weep, particularly in the strong summer sun.

I was delighted when offered to send me a pair of Marc Jacobs sunglasses to review as I’ve discovered over the years that good quality sunglasses really do last longer – they don’t break as easily as cheap ones, and the lenses are definitely better, making it easier for me to see.

When choosing sunglasses, there are some important things to think about.

My new sunglasses from

  1. Shape of your eyebrows – ideally, if your eyebrows are arched in shape choose a frame with a more curved frame (particularly on the top), to mirror or cover your eyebrows (otherwise you can look surprised).  Alternatively if you have straighter eyebrows (like I do) then go for a more angular or straighter top bar.
  2. Shape of your facial features – if you have full lips or a more rounded nose, look for a more curved shape. If you have a sharper or more angular nose, look for glasses with a more angular frame.
  3. Colour – if you have warm colouring look more for tortoishell, golds, bronze and browns, if you are cool then blacks, blues, greys and very dark browns work.

As I have cool colouring, a more angular nose and straight eyebrows these softly angled frames suit my face shape and their dark brown color matches my hair.

Road testing my specs in New Zealand outside the Kawakawa Hundetwasser Building

I road tested them on my trip to New Zealand – where I spent lots of time in a car on a road trip plus on a boat – both places where it meant I was wearing them pretty much all day, every day.  In the past I’ve found some glasses start to become uncomfortable, either on my ears or nose as the day goes on.  Fortunately these specs didn’t and they fit well too which was a bonus as sometimes I find sunglasses slide down my nose constantly and I’m always pushing them back up.

At the moment have a buy one get one half price offer, or a 10% off your first order option so if your glasses aren’t really protecting your eyes from the harsh UV rays, or are scratched and need updating, why not see if they have a pair that will fulfill this purpose for you.