Cooking with Color: Rhubarb

By Kevin O'Gara

The color of rhubarb astonishes me pretty much every time I see a picture of it. I’ve been seeing a lot of this vibrant vegetable, so I’ve pulled together four yummy rhubarb recipes. Though rhubarb is a vegetable, it’s used as a fruit in most recipes (usually paired with other fruits because of it’s tart flavor). I fondly remember strawberry-rhubarb pies we would get in Martha’s Vineyard as a child, so I’m super excited to try out one of these recipes!


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The color is amazing, right? I heard that the more colorful your produce is, the more nutritious… Could just be an old wives tale, but I’ll definitely be making some warm rhubarb dessert sometime this fall. Got any super-duper rhubarb recipes that I could try out? Comment them below!