Convicted Murderer Wants Taxpayers to Pay for His Sex Change

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The “real prison” is he’s trapped in his own body. At least he’s still alive. Monster.

Edmonds Brown/SC Dept. of Corrections photo

Via NY Post: A South Carolina inmate serving a life sentence for killing a Charleston woman in 2003 wants the state to help with a sex change.

The Post and Courier of Charleston reported that Edmonds Tennent Brown IV, who now uses the name Katheryn Brown, had asked the corrections department to help her him transition from a man to a woman. The agency has rejected the request from Brown, 44.

Brown pleaded guilty in the strangulation of 53-year-old teacher Mary Lynn Witherspoon.

State law prohibits the use of state funds for gender-changing operations. The department does provide hormonal therapy if the inmate was using the drugs when sent to prison. Brown said she he was using hormonal therapy before the crime.

The corrections department would not comment on Brown’s request.

Victim Mary Lynn Witherspoon

More details from the Post and Courier:

Katheryn Brown has been locked behind bars for 13 years for the murder of a Charleston woman, with little hope of ever going free. But she he says her real prison is the male body she he has been trapped in since birth.

Brown said she he has identified as a female for many years and began hormone therapy long before she he was implicated in Witherspoon’s death.

Apparently Brown’s father dated Witherspoon before he killed her. Long story short: Brown stalked Witherspoon, was convicted of a burglary charge, underwent outpatient mental health treatment as part of the plea, and it was determined he had bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and gender dysphoria.

Witherspoon had asked to be notified if Brown was released from jail, but an automated victim alert system used by the county Sheriff’s Office didn’t reach her. Witherspoon was apparently unaware Brown was free until Brown showed up at her home, investigators said. Once inside, Brown reportedly bound Witherspoon’s hands and feet, raped and strangled her, and then left her naked body in a bathtub full of water.

At a post-conviction relief hearing in 2007, Brown claimed to have no recollection of killing Witherspoon. And Brown now says she he had nothing to do with Witherspoon’s death. She He insisted that Witherspoon was a friend and mentor who “kept an open mind” and let her stay at the Tradd Street home after Brown left jail. Brown said she he suspects Witherspoon was killed by someone angry because the French teacher was planning to move to Paris.

Brown contends she he pleaded guilty to the killing under duress during an emotionally difficult time that she he likened to “P.M.S.” Had people known about her his gender identity issues, Brown said, “I would not be here in prison for a crime or crimes that I did not commit.”

What a disgusting piece of trash this man is. The story is sickening. Read all of it at the Post and Courier link above.