Conversion Therapy?

Posted on the 10 July 2020 by Isiswin @Isis_Win

Like an omen, two fronts colliding. Sun was out and then poured, just like with J.K.

By Isis Win

It is almost a scandal the declaration of J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter stating of having what it takes to reverse gender incongruence in the born body of children. There is so much raw material to be chewed about this issue and in all regards. It becomes clear, Mrs. Rowling is clueless as to what happens in these cases. Therefore, her words, in reality, created a reverse reaction on people that know as little about transsexualism as she does. Consequently, they oppose to that call from young children and point it as something to be fought and removed. The opposite of what has been happening in many countries that are adapting their laws and protocols to include this minority as any other ordinary citizen.

It is ridiculous that we are here again after several previous attempts from other people to create a wave of practice to resolve this issue as they believe it can be determined. Changing the perception of the children that claim not reaching congruence with their born body. All failed unsubstantiated theories that miss the core of the true nature of these cases. This type of “therapy” has gone so bad in the past, people forced to attend it, have shown signs of abuse and cruelty. Psychological and emotional abuse because they were not able to reach the plateau the therapist presumes should be available to them.

The first premise to be check here is: why do some people not only are unable to see and learn what these cases are, and recognize that they do not have the authority and knowledge to decide who is right and not when a crime is not committed. They tend to see transsexuality as an unnatural tantrum of some children that challenge the status that has prevailed through hundreds of years. This, disregarding that in the past, many cultures did not have an issue about it, and those cultures respected, honored non-binary people. A certain level of integration of those people that happened to be different from most of their population. That is recorded in history throughout thousands of years.

The second one is what credentials do they have to challenge a factual reality around the world, which preexisted in our modern times and fail to present any evidence to claim such is wrong, and it can be fixed. I have not found any argument or documentation on the part of J.K. that shows she knows something that I do not know, although I have lived with this issue throughout all my adult life, after rejecting my self-perception for so long. If I could reverse my inner perception (then), I would have done it. Because accepting being in a body that did not belong to me, was extremely bizarre and unacceptable because that is what it was dictated by society, and the consequences could be drastic. Do I know better than Dr. J.K.? or she knows something that could make my life less complicated and painful?

The third is a question with an assumption. Is Dr. J.K. worried about the pains and tribulations suffered by non-binary people or simply she is convinced that is wrong and unnatural? I am clueless as what prompts her to assume whatever, but what I know is that children should be raised in a loving and peaceful environment, so they become what their parents want them to be. Adjusted, clear thinking, reliable, well behaved, and caring person that is good in all corners of their lives. I assume that this author, not a therapist, most likely lacked through her growing years, what she denies to non-binary children. Read above again if it is not clear.   

During the last two decades, parents around the world have educated themselves to grasp what is involved and how to help children presenting this scenario. The result, they follow the proper protocols guided by a specialist and support their kid according to those protocols. When the child is approaching the appropriate age, and after a conscious observation of their psychological and emotional status, a green flag is waved, so the child may pursue their gender congruence. Contrary to what has been said, these young children are not prescribed hormones of their opposite born gender. They are prescribed inoffensive hormone blockers. Those for the sake of not allowing the standard gender features to develop until a judgment is reached. That presents the opportunity for transsexuals to continue their growth in the corresponding gender.

Sadly, this type of approach is available to educated parents that live in a free country that does not stigmatize people because of their differences. As well, it requires some level of solvency to consult with specialists. If the non-binary minority could use some help, that can only be support, understanding, and respect.

Dr. J.K. triggered a hell among older transsexual women, in particular. However, popular opinion as well reacted in favor and against this character that supposedly is about empowering children. I believe this polemic and controversy will be short-lived since J.K. will not be able to produce evidence of knowing something that the rest of the world unknown. However, simultaneously, she is incendiary propelling square and extremist religious thinkers that, in their view, the existence of men in this life, still is a design of creation by who they believe. Those views claim people can only be in shape or form their scriptures declare.  Forgetting the original message of the illuminated, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, and all religious figures that propagated the message love yourself, and others, as you love the lord. I see the lost love in this controversy.

An essential part of this equation is the reaction of a few transsexual people that exercise their anger and anguish towards this woman. If you are there, offended and pissed by this “revelation,” instead of despising the “enemy” as you portrait them, speak about the findings through your experience that makes you a better person because you are reaching or reached your gender congruence. I am there as thousands and thousands of transsexuals, men, and women. People that once fixed their incongruence found a full self, and that enhance their lives many folds. On that note, congruence s not found through stimulating ideas. Not even the most potent drug can change self-perception, and if there should be a general goal by any and all people, that is to find congruence within their self-awareness and self-congruence. So, Mrs. Rowling, with all respect, you are mistaken, wrong, and out of place.