Conversation Starters

By Lisa @Lisapatb
Do you try to start conversations on your blog or through your social networks? 
When you start to write your blog imagine yourself being in a room with a friend and starting a conversation. What would you say? What would you say that would have them respond back to you and get the conversation lively? Conversations are a great way to get feedback and to learn something new about someone.
Here are some topics I have noticed that receive a lot of conversations:

1) News of the day - The hot topic, the unusual topic
2) Weather - If it's different - storms, earthquakes etc.
3) Personal events - People tend to respond if you make it very personal - something they too can relate to. 
4) Great quotes - If people can relate to the quote with an awesome image
5) Sports - Sports fans love discussing that play, last night's game
6) Sometimes a simple question is all that is needed
7) From Sagittarian - Ask for their personal opinion
8) From Erin - Correcting someone's grammer (having wrong grammer)  - Interesting!

And of course respond! It's a two way street with conversations whether it's on your blog, through social networks or live.
What is your best conversation starter?  Add to the list of 6 and I'll link the additions to your blog or latest post.