Contentmart- One-stop Solution For Content Buyers

Posted on the 02 December 2016 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Do you need somebody to type out a question paper for you? Or, Is it that, you are looking for someone who can weave magic with words and bring people to your website? Product reviews, copywriting, technical articles and what not. On Contentmart, you can more or less be guaranteed to find a writer for all your diverse content needs. As a content buyer or a client, you have options. Not just sub-standard, par options, but quality options. The writer’s carry along years of experience with themselves. Irrespective of the field of interest that your article lies in, there will be always be a couple of people, with eye-popping portfolio’s and past experiences that you can then benefit from. Oh! One more thing. How does Contentmart monitor quality? They conduct tests. Writers who have passed all their grammar, as well as, essay tests become ‘Verified writers’. Content buyer’s too can make their own assessment/assumption on the quality of the writers by looking at their portfolio, reading the reviews they have received and through many such ways. All in all, content buyers on Contentmart, can make a more informed decision before awarding an article to a writer.

As an online, freelance content-writing platform, Contentmart makes things incredibly simple for content buyers. Clients can put up ‘n’ number of orders, (provided they have enough money in their account) and for each order they put up, there is no commission of any sort charged against them. All the load of the commission is on the writers and rightly so. Although the client’s don’t have to pay commission, they still are charged a small sum of money in the form of ‘Service Tax’.

Quick and easy to use. On many online platforms, filling up details, stocking up accounts with cash etc. etc. takes a lot of time. But on Contentmart, this entire process of topping up one’s account is extremely simple. Follow these simple steps and within ten minutes, your work will be done:

  • Click on the ‘Balance’ tab.

  • Click on ‘Deposit funds’.

  • Choose any of the pre-set amounts, or, type in the custom amount.

  • Go ‘Next’.

  • Fill in your bank details.

  • And go put up orders.

So these are the three primary problems content buyers usually have, in relation to online freelance writing platforms. If you are a content buyer, and you face other notable problems on a regular basis, you can mention it below in the comments section, in the form of a mini-Contentmart review.

Problem 1: Hard to find quality.

Soln. Contentmart.

Problem 2: Not affordable.

Soln. Contentmart.

Problem 3:Difficult to use, causing various kinds of inconvenience.

Soln. Contentmart.