Content Reuse and Recycle: It’s Not Just Good for the Environment.

Posted on the 10 August 2017 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

You see, when the average person sits down to write a blog, that's all they do. But wise content marketers compose that blog with the larger marketing ecosystem in mind. As they build the blog, they ponder all of the places that same information might appear. Before they know it, their blog gets reborn as an email, a white paper, a web video, an infographic and many other forms of content. And voila - they've got themselves a full-blown integrated marketing campaign.

To successfully repurpose, get clear on your purpose.It seems obvious that reusing information in different forms makes a ton of sense, right? But according to the coschedule blog, the perks of repurposing go considerably beyond the practical idea of basing a complete campaign on a single piece of content. As coschedule put it: "When you focus your energy on producing one awesome're likely to produce a better piece of work than you would by dividing your attention across every platform you're responsible for." Which means the recycling strategy saves more than time. It can also raise your campaign's profile - and impact.

How to successfully recycle content.
The team at Fractl shares five great tips for recycling content. Here are three of them:

  1. You can work smarter instead of harder. You can research and create an entire integrated marketing campaign in a single, efficient effort.
  2. You can stretch your resources, "finding new uses for content even years later by republishing, reviving and renewing."
  3. You can connect with new audiences. Rather than a one-size-fits all approach, take the same basic idea and adjust it for "different demographics and verticals."

10X your content and multiply your results.
As the folks at coschedule say, every integrated marketer is "under pressure to deliver the high-quality our audiences want...if you're working solo or on a small team, that pressure is further magnified, since all the weight is on you to do everything."

A powerful one-two punch.
According to Wordstream, certain kinds of content are more recycling friendly. Examples: If you have a blog with a strong visual component, turn it into a Pinterest board. A series of beautiful PowerPoint slides might become an intriguing infographic. And your next blog post might metamorphose into a podcast.

Then: Write less...promote more. Now: Write less...reuse more.
Neil Patel reminds us of a time-tested content marketing strategy: "Write less...promote more." While that's never been more true that it is today, one of the best ways to promote more is to repurpose whenever possible.

The painless path is successful recycling.
Let's close with an easy way to get the repurposing ball rolling: Before you to start work on a new piece of content, turn to what's already been done. Is there something in your content portfolio that tested well the first time around? If so, dust it off. Polish it up. And commit your team to building an integrated marketing campaign around recycled content.