Contact Lenses

By Thindes78

I recently took my two oldest boys to the Opticians to have their eyes tested. Lewis was adamant his eyes were fine and that he doesn't need glasses, thus he wasn't too impressed I dragged him along to the appointment; low and behold, he was correct, the optician confirmed he has perfect eyesight, strong eyes. - a smug look from Lewis and he was done.

Then it was Liam's turn, who is the opposite, he has been complaining he can't see very well at all, and on his turn, it was no surprise when they identified he does need stronger glasses. The problem with this is, he refuses to wear glasses outside the home, especially at school "it doesn't look cool mom..... but I would wear contacts" - so I asked the opticians if it was possible for his age, and they confirm "yes of course, it is the preferred choice for teenagers his age". Although, they did make him pick a pair of glasses, so he can wear those at home to give his eyes a rest from his contacts during the evenings. We picked his glasses and booked an appointment to return to test out the contact lenses

After picking his contact lenses up, the following morning before school, he got himself up earlier as he knew it would take him a while to get his contacts in.  Half an hour later, and a few angry/frustrated words at himself, he finally got them in - he lost two and I'm still trying to find them on the bathroom floor. 

On the way to school, he texted me and commented that it is so good to be able to see long distances.

Since then though, he isn't getting on so well with the contacts, he struggles to put them in, thus sometimes he doesn't bother to put them in at all, so he is going all day at school without the lenses he needs to support his sight, which is not ideal, but I am confident after a few more practices he will be popping the lenses in with no problems; it just takes a little time and patience.