Consider the Hammer: A Slice of Life Post

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with you. I’ve been busy with family events this last weekend. My cousin got married! Yea! It was a beautiful ceremony, filled with tears and laughter. Aren’t those the best kind?  So today, for my Slice of Life Post, I thought I’d share a poem with you. Something fun and quick that makes me think of the writing process.. I didn’t write this poem and I’m not sure who did, but it does hit the nail on the head!😉 Pun intended!

Consider the Hammer
Poet: Unknown

Photo credit: James Bowe via Visualhunt / CC BY

Consider the hammer –

It keeps its head.
It doesn’t fly off the handle.
It keeps pounding away.
It finds the point,
then drives it home.

It looks at the other side, too,
and thus often clinches the matter.
It makes mistakes, but when it does,
it starts all over.
It is the only knocker in the world
That does any good.

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