Less than 5% of OK schools have tornado protection, yet they are among the states with the highest numbers of these disasters, OK is among the top three for having such disasters declared and for receiving federal aid for them. Will they REQUIRE their building codes to change accordingly? Hell no -- that is an individual decision.
Yeah, right up until it is a failed decision, kids die, adults die, and the rest of the nation is supposed to pay for their failure to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. And to make matters worse, those irresponsible damned conservatives, at all levels, local, state, and federal, cut funding to first responders, and to services like those which provide weather monitoring and alerts, that aid people in taking shelter.
Irresponsible, DEPENDENT failures, conservatives are penny wise, dollar cheap; they are epic failures in governing, and they cost us all MORE money, in the long run, not less, with less value to show for the expenditures. But hey - it FEELS good to them, so logic and facts and results be damned. Conservatives tend to be old, but not wise, and not mature.