Back in January/February Cici tore a cruciate ligament in her knee and we were told by the vet specialist that she needed surgery. We were also blessed with finding out about an alternative: Conservative Management Protocol. Despite doing it wrong, not being able to keep her as restricted as I was supposed to, it still worked. Cici did not need surgery and her leg/knee is fine now.
It occurred to me that I never actually wrote out what we did do vs what we were supposed to do.
Did not find this guide until after we were done but it is a very worthwhile free guide, tells what to do step by step. Dr. James St.Clair, Free Recovery Guide, sign up and you will receive emails with what to do. He also wrote to me personally and I asked him a few questions and he answered back. Suggested that giving Cici a joint supplement was important. I did. Ortho-Ease by Dr. Harvey which Cici LOVES. Dr. Harvey also suggested that I give her alfalfa, manganese and Vitamin C every day which I did. I occasionally did meditations with her, kept her calm with music and treats and gave her some massages. I was not too concerned about her weight since she has been about 53 pounds consistently for six years. The biggest concern for me was that it was the same leg where she had had three surgeries before for a fractured femur bone when she was hit by an SUV in Carson City. That fracture is completely healed now the vet said. The only other thing I would have liked to do but was not able to do was to have her do some hydrotherapy/swimming after the three months of restriction.
Joints in dogs