Congressional Job Approval Is Still Abysmal

Posted on the 14 May 2015 by Jobsanger

Republicans had hoped that after taking control of both houses of Congress in the last election, the approval for Congress would improve. But that simply hasn't happened. Congress is still unable to pass any bill that might improve the economy, create jobs, or help ordinary Americans. That's because the Republicans are only interested in helping the rich and the corporations, and it's all the Democrats can do to keep the GOP from hurting most Americans any more.
The American people know this. They have seen Congresses in the past compromise and chart a path to a healthy economy. this Congress can't seem to do that, or more accurately, doesn't want to do it. They are more interested in pushing ideology, forgetting that most Americans are moderates (and don't care about ideology) and just want Congress to work together for the good of the country.
This has caused the job approval for Congress to fall dramatically -- and in the last year and a half or so (see bottom chart) has never been able to rise above 20%. Currently the job approval is at 19% (and is abysmal with all three political groups -- Democrats-18%, Independents-18%, and Republicans-21%).
These numbers are from the new Gallup Poll -- done between May 6th and 10th of a random national survey of 1,024 adults, with a margin of error of 4 points.