These charts reflect the results of a new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done on October 15th and 16th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,326 registered voters), with a 3.1 point margin of error.
It shows the public is still extremely unhappy with the 115th Congress (with only 10% approving of the job they are doing). And the public blames Republicans for this far more than they blame Democrats (42% to 14%).
This has the congressional Republicans very nervous, and it's why they are desperate to push a tax cut through Congress. They are hoping that a tax cut will save them from disaster in the 2018 election. They need to be careful about what kind of tax cut they pass though. If they pass the current version, it will just make the public madder -- because that version gives the bulk of the cuts to the rich and the corporations.