Congratulations to the New Southern Sudan

Posted on the 09 July 2011 by Warigia @WarigiaBowman

Today, the New Nation of Southern Sudan celebrates its independence. For those of us in Kenya, in the Darfuri Liberation Movement, and those of us in the East African region, it is a time of rejoicing.  We are going to have a small party at my house and eat Basbousa and drink juice and toast to the New Nation!
 Congratulations! (English) Hongera! (Swahili)  Mabruk! (Arabic)

Southern Sudan: Hopes and Challenges for the World’s Newest State

Murithi Mutiga and Samuel Ollunga state that though the liberation and formation of Southern Sudan comes at a huge cost, it brings new hope to a war-weary people. The leader Salva Kiir faces enormous challenges in getting the country to its feet.
At the stroke of midnight on July 9, bells will toll aloud across the 10 states of Southern Sudan to herald the birth of the world’s 193rd state. The din from the celebrations will be audible across the globe as Africa’s 54th state takes center stage — for at least one day — before the audience of world nations.
This is a rare moment whose historical significance is hard to overstate. The independence of Southern Sudan will mean the breakup of Africa’s biggest country. It will also stand as the most conclusive seal to bespeak the end of one of the most protracted conflicts in African history. It will denote a select moment where a separatist movement, launched to protest ethnic and religious domination, has succeeded in disentangling itself from the center and formed a completely new state. In a continent where similar rebel groups abound, the feat of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) is a significant one.
For the rest of this article, please click Fair Observer South Sudan.
For the coverage of Al Jazeera of this event, please click here Al Jazeera South Sudan.