Check out these statistics on "corporal punishment"--the oh-so-polite word for state-sanctioned murder, execution of the convicted:
AmericaRanksin the Top5Globally—forPuttingItsCitizensto Death
That one, that statistic, by itself, is bad enough, sure.That's awful.Look at the company we're with, for pity's sake---only China, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia executed more.
This is the company we want to keep? These are the people we want to share this with? This is the kind of people we want to be? This is what we want to be known for?
I mean, I knew we incarcerated more people than any other nation in the world, sure:
The United States Has The Largest Prison Population
And that, by itself, is horrific enough but I didn't know we were also in the top 5 for killing our own citizens.
And I figure you know China has to be in there by sheer numbers, the size of its population but all the rest of the nations in the top 5, including and especially us? That's just wrong.
Then, to take it one step further, check this out, Missouri and fellow Missourians, from this article--The overwhelming majority of those executions—nearly 90 percent—took place in four states: Texas, Missouri, Florida and Oklahoma.
And not to be outdone, it seems Utah may want to get into the top 5 states that execute, with their latest move, too. Seems lethal injection just wasn't effective, dependable--or barbaric?--enough for them:
Utah Senate OKs execution by firing squads
So kudos, America and congratulations to you, Missouri. Hats off to you, state sanctioned killers that you are.
When you put all this together with the fact that we grossly outspend all other nations on the planet, in the world, in and on defense spending, it's pretty eye-opening.
It seems clear, with all this information and all these statistics, America is fully wrapped up in the death and killing business.
And here you thought we were a "peace-loving people."