Congestive Heart Failure – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Posted on the 16 January 2017 by Allyson3james

What Is Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure means the blood pumping power has gone down and is found to be lower if compared to normal rate of heart. Many times people think heart failure as the heart has stopped working but the real situation is a weaken condition of heart.

As a result of congestive heart failure, different body parts and organs get very slow supplement of blood or say insufficient amount of blood supply.  Heart pressure goes above the normal line as proper amount of oxygen and nourishment is not meeting up to the body’s needs.

The heart chambers may react by extending to impound more blood to pump through the body or by turning out to be hardened. This serves to keep the blood mobile; however the heart muscle dividers or the walls may get damaged or debilitate and is not able to pump as effectively. Subsequently, the kidneys may react by bringing about the body to hold liquid (water) and salt. In the event that liquid develops in the legs, feet, arms, lungs , ankles or different organs, the body gets to be congested, and follows the congestive heart failure

What Are the Causes of CHF, and Am I At Risk?

Conditions and causes of congestive heart failure is the effect of disorders of health which is directly affecting the individual’s cardiovascular system. Now here comes the role of annual health checkups to know your cardiac condition and keep an eye on heart risks. Causes for the CHF are included in the below list.

Coronary artery disorder – a sickness of the blood streams that supply oxygen and blood to the heart, lead to diminished supply of blood to the muscles of the heart. In the event that the supply routes gets blocked or extremely limited, the heart will have to starve for nutrients and oxygen, carried by blood.

High Blood Pressurenormal blood pressure is very essential for good health, if the BP of a person goes above the normal range that is 120/80 mm Hg, this can be a cause of CHF. This is specially seen when arteries and veins get filled up with sticky plaque or say deposits of fats and cholesterol. This could be due to age, which makes passage of blood difficult.

Problems in Valves– improper working of heart valve leads blood to move in and out in the chambers in an incorrect way.

What Are the Symptoms of CHF?

  • Legs and ankles are swelled
  • Gaining extra weight
  • Frequent urge to urinate, this is increased in night
  • fatigue
  • Cough is developed in lungs.
  • Irregular heart beats
  • Weakness
  • Getting faint

How Is CHF Diagnosed?

If your symptoms are showing up for a severe and critical condition, your regular consultant will advise you a cardiologist. He will organize some tests to identify the correct condition of your body and heart. The tests include blood tests for cholesterol, diabetes. Imaging tests like MRI scans and some stress tests.

What Medications and Treatments Will I Need?

Early detection of any health care issues is route to finer results. To control heart malfunction and work properly will need medications and treatment. Surgical treatments are well known giving best out comes. According to the condition of patient, cardiologist will advice correct type of surgical operation.

Others are the medications and therapies to get best treatment. Aspirin therapy, beta blocker therapy, anti-platelet drugs, Angiotension II Receptor Blockers and Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are some of the medicines included in treating CHF.