Conflicting Accounts of Loretta Fuddy’s Death Lend Credence to Assassination Hypothesis

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Loretta Fuddy was the director of the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health (DOH) who verified the authenticity of Obama’s alleged Hawaii birth certificate, an image of which he released on April 27, 2011 in an effort to silence “birthers”. (Fuddy said she gave Obama’s lawyer, Judith Corley, two photocopies of his original 1961 birth certificate on April 25, 2011. Obama posted a scan of that birth certificate on the White House website on April 27, 2011.)

Since then, however, numerous documents experts have determined the certificate to be a computer-generated fake.

Loretta Fuddy

On December 12, 2013, 65-year-old Fuddy was one of nine passengers in a small commercial Cessna plane that crashed off the coast of Molokai, Hawaii. The Coast Guard found the passengers floating in the water with life jackets on. Fuddy died at the scene, while the other eight passengers, including DOH deputy director Keith Yamamoto, all survived with only minor injuries.

Keith Yamamoto

From the beginning, news accounts of Fuddy’s death were inconsistent and contradictory.

On Dec. 12, 2013, the Los Angeles Times reported that Honolulu Fire Captain Terry Seelig said Fuddy didn’t get out of the plane but had “remained in the fuselage of the plane.” Lt. William Juan with the Maui Police Department also said that Fuddy’s body had been recovered from the wreckage.

On Dec. 14, 2013, the Associated Press had a very different account. According to a priest, Rev. Patrick Killilea, who consoled Keith Yamamoto after the crash, Yamamoto told him [Killilea] he had helped Fuddy get out of the plane wreck and into her life jacket, then held her hand to help her relax. The priest said, “They were all floating together, and she [Fuddy] let go and there was no response from her.” KITV reported that other eye witnesses also said Fuddy had made it out of the plane just fine and was floating in the water, in her lifejacket, with fellow passengers. Another local news source reported that Coast Guard rescue swimmers said that they had found Fuddy, dead, floating in the water after the plane sank.

The latest is that there are THREE conflicting accounts of the cause of Fuddy’s death:

  1. cardiac arrhythmia
  2. drowning
  3. severe internal injuries.

Linda Jordan is a self-described “ordinary” American “housewife and mom of three” living in the state of Washington. In an article for Birther Report, Nov. 10, 2014, Jordan details the three conflicting causes of Fuddy’s death.

1. Cardiac Arrhythmia

On January 6, 2014, a press release from the Maui County Police Department stated that Loretta Fuddy had died from cardiac arrhythmia after the small plane she was in had to make an emergency ocean landing due to a failed engine.

2. Drowning

Nine months later in September 2014, Jordan discovered a report by Maui police detective Jamie Winfrey stating that “On December 13, 2013, an autopsy on the body of Loretta Fuddy was performed by medical examiner Dr. Lindsey Harle within the morgue at Molokai General Hospital. The preliminary cause of death is drowning,” pending final autopsy report and toxicology results.

3. Internal Injuries

Then in November 2014, Jordan found a debriefing report by a commander of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) who was part of the rescue effort in the waters of Molokai. The report says Loretta Fuddy died from “severe internal injuries”.

Here’s the relevant part of the debriefing report, USCG Case Report Case #665884:

Note that:

  • A/C Commander = the USCG commander, whose name is LT (the name after LT is blacked out)
  • CG1720 = Coast Guard 1720
  • 1720 = a planeidentifier number for the Coast Guard’s Hercules plane

“ CG1720 arrived O/S at 0220Z …..A/C Commander did not notice if a 121.5 distress signal was radiating. He relayed that the pilot of the downed A/C stated that he lost engine power shortly after take-off as he was making the left turn to head towards Honolulu, after his second attempt to restart the engine failed he prepped passengers and crew for a water landing and had them don PFD’s. He was able to execute a good water landing and disembark passengers prior to the A/C sinking. Mrs. Fuddy was alive but had sustained severe internal injuries during the ditching. She succumbed to those injuries while awaiting rescue resources to arrive.

To complicate matters, Fuddy’s entire autopsy report, in spite of it being a public record, was blacked out. No medical findings were revealed other than the official cause of death of drowning.

Jordan points out that Hawaii Revised Statute HRS 841-3 requires a full investigation into accidental and unusual deaths. HRS 841-3 states:

“As soon as any coroner or deputy coroner has notice of the death of any person within the coroner’s or deputy coroner’s jurisdiction as the result of violence, or as the result of any accident, or by suicide, or suddenly when in apparent health, or when unattended by a physician, or in prison, or in a suspicious or unusual manner, or within twenty-four hours after admission to a hospital or institution, the coroner or deputy coroner shall forthwith inquire into and make a complete investigation of the cause of the death.

On October 29, 2014, Maui Police Chief Janice Okubo told Jordan that they have complied with HRS 841-3 by conducting an autopsy on Loretta Fuddy. The problem is “a complete investigation” into a “suspicious or unusual” death involves more than just an autopsy. It includes interviewing witnesses and first responders, under sworn oath, and collecting evidence. The investigation also must be conducted in a manner where said interviews and evidence can be used in a court of law.

Jordan explains why we should be concerned about the death of Loretta Fuddy:

I’ll tell you why. [In his autobiography] Obama said his father was a citizen of Kenya. For 16 years he told people that he himself was born in Kenya and was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. This was in his biography on his publisher’s website. [In the] biography he wrote about himself [which] he updated…several times during those 16 years…he always left in the part about being born in Kenya. And people believed him. This was before he had proven himself to be a consummate liar so why shouldn’t they have  believed him? Those familiar with the Constitution pointed out that if he was born in Kenya and if his father was a citizen of Kenya, he was not eligible to be President of the United States.

Realizing the error of his ways, Obama immediately began insisting that he was a citizen of this country. He announced his bid for the presidency in February 2007 and on April 21,2007, he changed his biography to say that he was born in Hawaii.

That’s about the same time people began demanding that he produce his original birth certificate.

Fours years later, and in re-election mode, Obama announced he was tired of all the “silliness” surrounding his citizenship status and asked Loretta Fuddy for a photocopy of his original birth certificate. What Obama actually posted, however, on the White House website, was an image of a forged Hawaiian birth certificate. A month before Fuddy died she had been named in an affidavit requesting that a Grand Jury launch an investigation into Obama’s forged birth certificate and Fuddy’s role, if any, in the production of it. There were nine souls on board the plane that day on December 11, 2013, and Fuddy was the only fatality. So you can see why those of us who are convinced that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, suspected foul play.

Of course we could be completely wrong. But the recent discovery that there were three extremely different causes of death listed for Fuddy, first, severe internal injuries, second, drowning and third, cardiac arrhythmia, bolsters that original suspicion. When stories change red flags should go up.

At the very least I am convinced that someone is trying to hide something about the way she died. Are they hiding incompetence, confusion at the scene of rescue, murder or something else? I don’t know. But I do know this, an official investigation into the demise of Loretta Fuddy is long overdue and I don’t care if it proves me wrong or proves me right. I just want to get this story straight.

Thank you, Linda Jordan, for your courage and tenacity in pursuit of the truth!

See also:

  • The Obama death list
  • GOP Congressman: ‘We all know’ Obama’s birth certificate is fake
  • NBC White House correspondent says Obama’s from Kenya
  • 40% of U.S. adults (incl. 11% of Dems) not sure if Obama is American citizen
  • Investor’s Business Daily editorial asks if Obama’s entire life is a fiction
  • Hawaii Dept of Education can’t find Obama’s school records
  • Who is Obama? Even can’t verify his identity
  • Washington Times full-page ad on Obama’s forged Select Service Registration
  • Why Obama has a Connecticut Social Security no.
  • D.C. Board of Elections denies FOIA request on Barry Soetoro voter registration
  • Yahoo! calls Kenya “country of Obama’s birth”
  • Editor of Foreign Policy says Obama was born in Kenya
  • British National Archives show a son was born to Obama Sr. in 1961 in Kenya
  • Obama doesn’t know his own birthdate
  • Fox News staffer says network refuses to cover Obama identity fraud
  • Fake president has 20m fake Twitter followers
  • 70% of Obama’s Twitter followers are fake
