My ultimate girl crush Zooey Deschanel once said, “Style isn’t when you buy yourself the most expensive things. It’s being creative and able to put together what you’ve collected.” Since the very beginning of Brooke du jour, I’ve tried to communicate that. My style, of course, will change as I get older but my love for a good sale will never waver ; )
There’s absolutely no way Brooke du jour would have made it to the one-year mark if it weren’t for the support of my family and friends. Thank you so much Mom, Dad, Kendall, Mary Liz, Rebecca, Alex, Kim, Megan, Lauren, Maggie, Robbi Jo and Christos for taking time out of your busy days to help me take pictures (Maybe one of these days I’ll post all the bloopers!). And of course, thank you to my readers for welcoming Brooke du jour into your homes and offices in the mornings. This is only the beginning- I can’t wait to see what the next year brings. You can safely assume that includes lots of pink!