Confessions of an Insomniac

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni (image)

The cursor is blinking and I’m not sure how to begin. I guess I’ll just come right out and say it: I often suffer from insomnia.

At some point during my adult life, I found myself unable to sleep. I go through stretches at a time where, no matter how hard I try and no matter how many times I try to lie in bed, sleep will not come. I stew. I toss and turn. I try to count sheep. I pray.

And yet, I get no reprieve. It’s 2:51 right now, and try as I might, I cannot sleep.

One may wonder what causes this phenomenon. I detest it. And the more I think about it, the more stressed and awake I become. Though my eyelids are heavy and my desire to drift off into dreamland is great, I’m unable to do so. Frustration has set in. I feel like I need some air.

In the middle of the night, this type of malady creates an opportunity to think about things in a different way. I find myself reflecting on choices and decisions I’ve made in my life, sometimes wishing I could turn back the clock and beg for an alteration. One of the positives of all this “nighttime thought” is that it offers a chance for a clear vision and openness in the future.

Insomnia is very real.  It’s an unwelcomed guest.  Luckily for me, these spells only last one or two nights, and then I’m back to normal (if you can even call me that in the first place…who is really normal?).  I feel for those folks who must endure it night after night after night. However, I did find some strange comfort in the fact that at 3 a.m. when I logged into Facebook, several other friends seemed to be experiencing the same thing, as I saw them posting to their status updates. I don’t wish it on you friends, but thanks for making me feel like I wasn’t alone.

There are some things we have absolutely no control over: I didn’t ask to be 5’1”; I didn’t put in a request for allergies; and I certainly didn’t solicit the Insomniac Fairy to bless me with little rest.

I am weary now…I must try to get some shuteye.

If there are any insomniacs out there, I’d love to hear from you. What suggestions might you share with readers to help us battle (and conquer) this sleep disorder?