Confessions of a Runner: My Leg Went Numb! #pocketThoughts

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7

Read on to find out the scoop. You know you want to know!

Did you make new year’s resolutions this year concerning your health? Did you join a gym? This year I’ve decided to give running another go. I started it up almost two years ago and I had to stop. See what had happened was… I was doing a six week program on Weight Watchers that helped move you from walking to running a 5k. I hadn’t signed up for one but I wanted to for that fall season. The first week wasn’t bad at all. It was mostly walking and running for only two minute bursts. The second week was a little harder as the total time got longer and you were doing more two minute bursts. I found getting your breathing under control was the hardest part for me. In week three though, my body seemed to get into the rhythm and I was HOOKED!


One day, towards the end of week three, I felt my right leg starting to feel numb as I was running. I had two minutes left to finish before cooling down. Yes, I did. I KEPT running. I knew I should have probably stopped, thinking on it in hindsight, but I felt like if I did then I’d be giving up.

How many things do we start and then stop because they’re hard?

Tweet this if you want to be starting something! I’ll shout  your out!

I know. I know. But Arelis, you’re leg was numb. In my head I heard a voice yell, “No pain, no gain!” Another voice whispered, “Arelis stop.” I didn’t hear the whisper. What? You don’t hear voices?

I did stop.

I hadn’t wanted to stop. Who wants to stop half way though a program? I did though because I finally heard the whisper. I made an attempt a few days after that. My leg felt numb but at the start of the run this time. I figured, that sad day in August, I had probably pulled something so I continued going to the gym but didn’t run again.

It wasn’t until…

to be continued

Until I finish sharing my journey with you, of becoming a runner, I wanted to share this article a friend sent me on Thursday. May it give you a giggle and some inspiration!

The article on shared Prancercise: A Dazzling Fitness Routine

The following video is inspired by horses!

Would you Prancersize? Or have you had an injury similar to numbness?

Until then,