Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
I am loving doing tags at the moment, they are lots of fun and a great way to find out a little more about some of my favorite bloggers. Mandy from Make Me Up tagged me this time.
How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading posts?
Now that I have a child I don't spend as much time as I'd like to and as I used to. Before Chai I would spend at least two hours a day blogging, reading blogs, commenting on blogs etc. Now I would be lucky to spend 1/2 an hour online. Before I used to spend about an hour on each post, now I probably spend about half an hour. I'd love to be able to put more time into blogging but it's just not possible at the moment.
Are you a spender or a saver?   
Contrary to what you might expect, I'm a saver. Every now and again I'll have a splurge, but for the most part I'm a saver. 
When is it easiest for you to write your posts?
When Chai is asleep.

What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
Before I had to baby proof the house I had a desktop computer with a great set up. I had a computer desk with a shelf and enough room to have whatever products I was reviewing in front of me, it made blogging so much easier. Now I have a laptop computer and no desk. I look forward to when we move and I can have an office again. 
What's your worst make up/hair habit?
I can't think of a bad make-up habit, but I am lazy with my hair. I just brush it and tie it back or leave it down. I rarely straighten or blow dry it, usually I wash it and then let it air dry overnight. 
What's one quote you wish the world would live by?
Not a quote, but a poem. It's called If by Rudyard Kipling. You can read it here

How long do you spend getting ready everyday?
Less than 10 minutes. Even before I had Chai I got ready quickly, now I'm ever quicker. 

What's your favorite post on your blog?
I love my FFS Friday posts. They are a lot of fun to write and make people laugh. 

Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserves more subscribers that they have? 
All of them! There are so many amazing blogs and I think they all deserve more attention. 
What's one thing you're excited about in the coming year?
Moving! We are selling our house and moving down south. It'll mean that we can have a house with a backyard for Chai to play in and I will be close to my family.

What's been your favorite blogging moment?
There is no one particular moment, but I love all the beautiful people I've met through blogging. My online friends keep me sane and connected to the world when I'm home all the time.

How long does it take to prep for a post?

Not long. I usually take photos of products as soon as I get them so to prep for a post all I need to do is upload the photos and sometimes do a bit of research on the product. 
Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now or are you wearing pajama bottoms?

Jeans. I don't like staying in my pj's all day, plus, I take Chai out to the park every morning, so I'm usually dressed by 7am. 

What are you most proud of in your life?

Being here, alive, healthy and happy. If you read my other blog you will know that I have Crohn's disease. I got extremely sick in 2007 and nearly died. Now, five years later I am well, healthy and a mother. That's something I'm really proud of. It would have been so easy to have given up and stayed sick (or died), but I didn't, I fought and fought until I got healthy again. I refused to give up and because of that I'm a mom.