Concert Style--Neil Diamond

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes

Good morning!  I'm enjoying my coffee while listening to Neil Diamond, getting ready to see him tonight.  I'm so excited.  He's definitely an American legend, and a bit sexy too :-).  The concert is indoors so I won't be wearing my usual summer concert gear.  What will I be wearing, you ask?
Well, I would have been wearing this rockin' tee if I could've found it:

Image courtesy of Pinterest
Since I can't find it, I'm thinking I'll wear a fabulous pair of jeans

Miss Me Jeans purchased at BuckleImage courtesy of Pinterest
A bright colored top

Image courtesy of Pinterest
A black blazer

Image courtesy of Pinterest
And a fabulous pair of cowboy boots

Image courtesy of Pinterest

Thoughts?  Will my outfit work?
Fashion Friday link will be up later today, so get those posts ready!