World leaders meet very often to deliberate on universal issues. United Nations is a platform for experimenting convergence of diverse political trends into harmonious co-existence. Political rivalries among nations over geographical supremacy create situations that may lead to war. War mongering hawks in many ruling establishments have more than one goal in creating and executing clashes, skirmishes or armed conflicts. Commanding geopolitical hegemony is one of their objectives. Purchase of arms, purportedly for defending self or attacking an enemy is another hidden agenda for this creed of despots. Huge money transactions involved in arms dealings have turned this activity into an appealing proposition. Political adventures coupled with increased terror activities has posed greatest danger to the planet and to humanity. The whole world would be pushed to the brink.
Prolonged war situations often end in impasses. Combating countries try use of annihilating arms to gain control over the territories and the populace. Several countries have developed the ultimate destructive mechanism of nuclear arsenals. Despite the presence of Non Proliferation Treaties, countless countries are covertly or overtly pursuing possession of nuclear armaments. The scenario is very grim and has forced humanists and political think tanks to take a hard view of the sum total of lurking dangers. The pacifists are trying hard to explain the rest of the world, the perils of nuclear war.
Environment researchers have already portrayed the gloomy picture of nuclear war through the concept of ‘nuclear winter’. Now, after nearly three decades the severity of projected devastation has increased thousands fold. Scientists and computer experts have jointly worked together to present a realistic picture of doom and destruction of the whole planet, should even a small nuclear war ever occurs. The findings were published recently and provided ample opportunity for all stakeholders to reboot their thinking. Climatic changes after a nuclear war will be felt by everybody on the planet. The intensity of change or fluctuations may vary, depending upon proximity to the nuclear war zone. Some of the effects are indeed terrifying.
- Millions of people are destined to die in case of nuclear war. Memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are still not forgotten. The loss to the human race, cattle, crops, plant kingdom and property would be colossal.
- Very fine radioactive particles would be present in the atmosphere. The particles would enter human bodies through air and water. Black rain, caused by trillions of fine carbon particles may be experienced.
- Sunshine may not be able to reach the earth’s surface, causing lowering of temperature. Colder environment worldwide would cause a heavy reduction in agricultural production. Some scientists have also warned about possible instability of DNA in crops.
- Ozone layers surrounding the earth’s atmosphere will be chipped off in many places and would be thinned. Ozone layers protect the earth from direct ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Exposure to direct radiation would increase sun burns and tendency to skin cancer would increase manifold.
There is of course a visible ray of hope. It is the collective sagacity of the human race. The entire grim picture may turn out to be imaginary. The participating combatants in a nuclear war are well aware that there are no ‘victors’ in such a war. All are losers and losers only. This piece of wisdom is most likely to be the deterrent. Survival instincts will certainly prevail. The planet can still be kept safe.