CompanyHub CRM Review Lifetime Coupon Code 33% Off November 2022

Posted on the 05 November 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

CRM or Customer Relationship Management is an integral and important part of any sales team. However, maintaining customer relationships can be a tedious task in itself. Most of the processes in sales require human intervention; such as lead management and data entry. Despite having a sophisticated CRM software in place, a sales team still has to maintain a lot of entries manually. Hence, it is beneficial to have these processes automated.

So, if you are looking for a fully customizable CRM that has automated sales processes, then CompanyHub CRM UTron Sales Bot is for you!

Here in this post, we have featured- CompanyHub Review 2022 that includes all the details insights about the platform. We also got special Companyhub Discount coupon 33% Off for first 3 months for you.

CompanyHub CRM Review Special Coupon Code 33% Off November 2022

About CompanyHub CRM

CompanyHub CRM is a feature-rich platform that is customizable with powerful features related to Lead Management, Email Automation, Sales Reporting and unique UTrons Sales Bot. The CRM can fit into any industry. Users can automate any process in just a few clicks with UTrons Sales Bot.

Some of the advanced features of CRM consist of email syncing, tracking capability, 360-degree contact visibility and smart follow-up recommendations. Its user-friendliness makes the CompanyHub a popular CRM amongst its users. It offers Email related features such as bulk email, email tracking, email scheduling, reminder if no reply and email templates.

Due to its efficiency and great features, CompanyHub CRM is trusted by more than 2000 companies and CRM experts across the globe. Besides, this CRM has received several awards such as Rising Star and Great User Experience 2017 Awards by Finance Online, Experts-Choice, and Great User Experience Awards by SoftwareSuggest and High Performer Award for Spring 2018.

So, what does CompanyHub CRM do? Read on to find out more about this unique CRM.

CompanyHub CRM: One of few customizable CRMs that fit any industry

This is, in fact, one of the most important features that any CRM can have.

CompanyHub CRM is completely customizable that can be easily adapted to any industry. The CRM can serve extremely well to the industries such as automotive, manufacturing, real estate and travel. The best part is, the CRM can be customized by simply dragging and dropping the custom fields as per users' requirements. Thus, the user can track any information like geography, industry, size or associate different records using custom fields.

Other important features of CompanyHub CRM Review With Discount Coupon

It is not only customizable, but CompanyHub CRM consists of several other attractive and useful features. Let's take a look at them:

    Lead Management: CompanyHub CRM is as easy to use as an Excel sheet. Editing any detail is easy with just a double-click. Hence, managing the leads becomes an easy task. Most CRM software is often time-consuming, as they require sales people to update the details.

But, with CompanyHub CRM, users can create leads quickly without leaving the page. Users can also add notes, tasks, and conversations from the same page, making the updations easier. The CRM helps to set the next follow update simply by selecting the date. To import any data, simply upload the file and map the columns to fields. There is no need of fixed format required.

  • 360° View of Customer: Lead management becomes easy when you can view all the customers and their status at the same time. CompanyHub CRM offers 360° View of Customer where a user can see all the conversations, activities and tasks scheduled with them. Thus Contact Management becomes easy.
  • Smart follow up suggestions: CompanyHub reminds users of the contacts they need to follow up. Simply set the hotness indicating how often you would like to stay in touch. Whenever there is lack of communication, CompanyHub CRM automatically sends a followup reminder.
  • Tracking the information: Users can use custom fields for tracking information such as industry, location, size etc. This tracking can be used in all fields such as reports, filters, import and export and permissions. It is also possible to associate different records, like Deal with Contact, using custom fields. Various fields in sections, reorder/hide fields and change columns can be grouped together.
    Email Automation: Studies indicate that sales people spend a lot of time in email, such as sending emails, tracking them etc. CompanyHub CRM offers email automation feature that helps sales people to be more productive. Email automation covers features such as email sync, bulk email, email template and email tracking. Not only this, CompanyHub CRM has Gmail plugin too. If you send an important email and are expectinga response, CompanyHub can remind you in case you don't get a reply. Besides, you can also determine the best time to send mail and schedule it.
    Sales Reporting: It is easy to get real-time visibility in sales when it comes to CompanyHub CRM. The sales reporting feature saves several hours wasted in creating reports and waiting for reports. You can analyze any data and get its report with just a click. The reports created are visually appealing and easy to understand.

It consists of two dashboards namely, Sales Dashboard and Team Dashboard. Users can track overall sales performance to meet the targets using Sales dashboard and rank the performance of individuals against each other using Team dashboard.

UTrons Sales Bot:

UTrons Sales Bot is the most attractive feature of CompanyHub CRM. With the Sales Bot, you can automate most of the mundane sales processes and focus on more productive tasks.

Some of the tasks that can be automated using UTrons Sales Bot are as follows:

  • Nurturing Leads: The bot can send birthday emails, a sequence of emails and inform clients that stopped giving work
  • Reminders to clients: The Sales bot can follow up before the Quote expires, send periodic reminders till invoice is not paid and send automatic mail if verification process not complete
  • Automate Alerts to Sales People: The bot can alert sales person if a deal is not progressing and even congratulate sales person on winning a big deal
  • Create Tasks: The sales bot can create follow-up tasks for contacts that have lost touch.

How much CompanyHub CRM with UTrons Sales Bot costs?

Despite of all the great features and UTrons Sales Bot, the CRM is pretty affordable. You can get the entire sales automation suite in just $24 Per user/month. The subscription is billed annually and the suite consists of Sales Bots, customizable CRM, sales toolkit and sales analytics. After buying the automation suite, you will be charged $32 on a month-to-month basis.

To buy the CRM suite, visit the CompanyHub CRM website.

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Conclusion: CompanyHub Review With Special Lifetime Discount Coupon 33% off 2022

Hey now you have got all the details insights about CompanyHub CRM and now it's your choice to get started with it. We highly recommend CompanyHub CRM for you if you really want to boost up the Lead Management, Email Automation, Sales Reporting and unique UTrons Sales Bot. Dont forget to use special Companyhub Lifetime Discount coupon 33% Off for first 3 months for you.

We hope this post suits your purpose well. Feel free to drop your opinions about CompanyHub CRM right in the comment section. Do share this post on trending social media platforms like Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Twitter.